
Constant is a seemingly regular language. It is infix, like most languages; it has the operators +, -, *, and /. It is different from most languages in that numbers are hardly numbers. They are series of instructions that write to a counter. (There is a different counter for each number.) Further, the only way to increase the counter's number is to increase it by a certain mathematical constant's value. In Constant, there are cons which increase the value of the counter and ops which modify the program or counter in a different way. Observe the following table:
Cons Value Ops Effect
p π ≈ 3.141593…
e e ≈ 2.718282…
P φ ≈ 1.618034…
λ, l λ ≈ 1.303577…
γ, g γ ≈ 0.577216…

