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Function count: 344

Click on genres to show all functions in that genre.

(class)Class, ClassNamed, New
(conversion)Char, F, N, String
(data)Hash, Pred, Succ, V
(functional)Agenda, Applier, Apply, Bond, C, Call, CallEach, CallN, Configurable, Configure, Curry, Fixpoint, Fork, GenerateFirst, GenerateN, GetOption, Hook, Id, InvocationIndex, Nest, NestList, NestListWhile, NestWhile, On, Periodic, PeriodicSteps, RBond, Series, SeriesIf, TakeWhile, Tie, TieArray
(functional/list)Fold, FoldList, FoldRight, FoldRightList, Over
(IO)AllInput, Arg, ClearScreen, Cls, Display, Exit, Option, Print, Prompt, ReadChar, ReadFloat, ReadInt, ReadLine, ReadLineLoop, ReadNumber, Stdin, Stdout, Wait
(IO/files)FileExists, FileRead, FileWrite
(list)Accumulate, Average, Bisect, Bounce, Chop, Chunk, Collapse, Complement, Concat, Count, Delta, Difference, Enumerate, Find, First, Flat, FlatGet, FlatGroup, Flip, Get, Grade, Group, Has, Index, IndexFlat, Indices, IndicesFlat, Integers, Intersection, Intersperse, Iota, Larger, Last, LastIndex, LastIndexFlat, List, Max, Median, Min, Outers, Pop, Positions, Powerset, Prefixes, Prod, Push, Range, Remove, RemoveAmong, RemoveFirst, RemoveLast, Repeat, Resize, Reverse, RLE, Rotate, Rotations, Same, Shift, Slices, SlicesFill, Sparse, StdDev, Suffixes, TriangleRange, TriangleSelect, Union, Unique, UniqueBy, Unshift, UnSparse
(list/logic)Decreasing, Increasing, Overlap, Palindromic
(list/matrix)ArrayFlatten, LowerTriangle, UpperTriangle
(logic)All, And, Any, DoWhile, Falsey, ForEach, If, Invariant, Mask, Nand, None, Nor, Not, Or, Truthy, While, Xnor, Xor
(meta)Eval, EvalHere, Needs, Save
(numeric)Abs, Add, Cbrt, Ceiling, Digits, Divide, DivMod, Double, Exp, Floor, GCD, Halve, Im, IntLog, LCM, Ln, Log, Log2, LogBase, Multiply, PlusMinus, Rational, Re, Root, Round, Sign, Sqrt, Square, Subtract
(numeric/bases)Bin, FromBase, Hex, Oct, ToBase, UnBin, UnHex, UnOct
(numeric/logic)Even, Imaginary, Integral, IsImaginary, IsRational, IsSquare, Negative, Numeric, Odd, Positive, Real, Zero
(numeric/prime)IsComposite, IsPrime, NextPrime, PreviousPrime, Prime, PrimeDivision, PrimeFactors, PrimeNu, PrimeOmega, Primes
(numeric/random)Random, RNG
(numeric/rational)Denominator, Numerator
(numeric/series)Collatz, CollatzSize, Fibonacci, Polygonal, Pythagorean, Triangular
(numeric/trig)ArcCos, ArcCosh, ArcSin, ArcSinh, ArcTan, ArcTan2, ArcTanh, Cos, Cosh, Sin, Sinh, Tan, Tanh
(operator)%, *, +, -, ->, ., .., ..., /, //, :, ::, <|, ^, ^^, |>, ±, Ø, , , , , , , , , ,
(operator/logic)!in, /=, <, <=, =, =/=, ==, >, >=, |, , , , , , , , , and, else, in, is, is_a, is_an, is_not_a, is_not_an, nand, nor, not, or, xor
(scope)Clear, ClearLocal, Define, Local, Modify, Retrieve
(string)Center, Chars, Chomp, Downcase, FindHead, Format, Grid, Join, Lines, Ord, Ords, PadLeft, PadRight, Replace, ReplaceF, ReplaceMultiple, Rot, Split, Translate, Upcase
(string/regex)Match, MatchAll
(unary operator)', not, parentof, typeof

((*) x) !in ([(*)] y) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns false if y contains x, otherwise true. See also: Has.


Print[3 !in 1:5] ?? false Print[30 !in 1:5] ?? true
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((*) a) % ((*) b) → (*) (operator)



' (fn func) → fn (unary operator)

Forces func to use parent scope.


a .= 5 Call[{ a .= 3 }] Print[a] ?? 5 Call['{ a .= 93 }] Print[a] ?? 93
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((*) a) * ((*) b) → (*) (operator)



((*) a) + ((*) b) → (*) (operator)



((*) a) - ((*) b) → (*) (operator)



(expr key) -> ((*) value) → ConfigureValue (operator)

Returns a ConfigureValue key-value pair of key and value. Used for configurable functions and hashes.

((*) obj) . (raw prop) → (*) (operator)

Obtains the member in obj with prop as a key.

Note: this feature is not completely finished, and may have unintended behaviours, such as [1, 2, 3].size.


ages := <~ john -> 32, bob -> 14, dude -> 92 ~> Print[ages.john] ?? 32 Person := Class! { name .= _1 age .= _2 } john := New[Person, "John Smith", 43] Print[, john.age, joiner->", "]
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(number x) .. (number y) → [number] (operator)


Returns a range from x to y, inclusive.

(number x) ... (number y) → [number] (operator)


Returns a range from x to y, excluding y.

(number a) / (number b) → number (operator)


Divides a by b. If a / b represents an integer, the argument becomes an integer. E.g., 4 / 2 is 2, not 2.0.

(number|fn a) // (number b) → rational (operator)


Creates a fraction a / b. See also: Rational


fn a - Returns a function which, given e, returns Nest[a, e, b].

((*) x) /= ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)


Returns true if x does not equal y, false otherwise. Note: does not call operator equality.

(number|fn x) : (number|fn y) → [number]|fn (operator)


Returns a range from x up to y. If x and y are both functions, returns a function f[...args] which calls x[...Map[y, args]].


Print[3:6] ?? [3, 4, 5, 6] add_rev := Add:Reverse Print[add_rev[23, 45]] ?? 86
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(number x) :: (number y) → [number] (operator)


Returns a range from x up to y. If x > y, returns a reversed range.


Print[3::6] ?? [3, 4, 5, 6] Print[6::3] ?? [6, 5, 4, 3] Print[-3::-6] ?? [-3, -4, -5, -6]
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((*) x) < ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)


Returns true if x is less than y, false otherwise.

((*) x) <= ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)


Returns true if x is less than or equal y, false otherwise.

(fn x) <| ((*) y) → (*) (operator)

Calls x with single parameter y.

((*) x) = ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)


Returns true if x equals y, false otherwise.

((*) x) =/= ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if x does not equal y, false otherwise.

((*) x) == ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if x equals y, false otherwise.

((*) x) > ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)


Returns true if x is greater than y, false otherwise.

((*) x) >= ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)


Returns true if x is greater than or equal to y, false otherwise.

((*) a) ^ ((*) b) → (*) (operator)



([(*)]|fn a) ^^ ((*) b) → [(*)] (operator)

Removes all b from a. See also: Remove. If a is a fucntion, then folds a over b/


Print[1:5 ^^ 2] ?? [1, 3, 4, 5] Print[[1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 3] ^^ 2] ?? [1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 1, 3] Print[Add ^^ 1:5] ?? 15
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((*) a) | (fn|(*) b) → (*) (operator/logic)


Returns true if a divides evenly into b.


fn b - When b a function, calls b[a].

((*) x) |> (fn y) → (*) (operator)

Calls y with single parameter x.

((*) a) ± ((*) b) → (*) (operator)


Returns PlusMinus[a, b].

([(*)] a) Ø ([(*)] b) → [(*)] (operator)

Returns the a without all elements of b. See also: Complement.

(number x) ‥ (number y) → [number] (operator)


Returns a range from x to y, inclusive. See also: ...

(number x) … (number y) → [number] (operator)


Returns a range from x to y, excluding y. See also: ....

(number a) ⁄ (number b) → rational (operator)


Creates a fraction a / b. See also: Rational and //.

(expr key) → ((*) value) → ConfigureValue (operator)

Returns a ConfigureValue key-value pair of key and value. See also: ->.

([(*)] a) ∆ ([(*)] b) → [(*)] (operator)

Returns the symmetric difference between a and b.

((*) a) ∧ ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if both of a and b are truthy, false otherwise. Short-circuits. See also: and.

((*) a) ∨ ((*) b) → (*) (operator/logic)

Returns a if a is truthy, b otherwise. Short-circuits. See also: or.

([(*)] a) ∩ ([(*)] b) → [(*)] (operator)

Returns the intersection of a and b.

([(*)] a) ∪ ([(*)] b) → [(*)] (operator)

Returns the union of a and b.

((*) x) ≠ ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)


Returns true if x does not equal y, false otherwise. See also: /=.

((*) x) ≤ ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)


Returns true if x is less than or equal y, false otherwise. See also: <=.

((*) x) ≥ ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)


Returns true if x is greater than or equal to y, false otherwise. See also: >=.

((*) a) ⊻ ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if exactly one of a and b is truthy, false otherwise. See also: xor.

((*) a) ⊼ ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if one of a and b are falsey, false otherwise. Short-circuits. See also: nand.

((*) a) ⊽ ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if both of a and b are falsey, false otherwise. Short-circuits. See also: nor.

((*) x) ▷ (fn y) → (*) (operator)

Calls y with single parameter x. See also: |>.

(fn x) ◁ ((*) y) → (*) (operator)

Calls x with single parameter y. See also: <|.

([(*)] a) ⩓ ((*) b) → [(*)] (operator)

Removes all b from a. See also: a ^^ b.

Abs[number n] → number (numeric)


Calculates the absolute value of n.

Accumulate[[number] list] → [number] (list)

Generates the cumulative sums of list.

Add[number ...args] → number (numeric)

Adds each of args together.

Agenda[fn flist, fn[(*) -> number] cond, ...args] → fn[(*) -> (*)] (functional)


Returns a function fn[...args] such that the cond[...args]th element of flist is called upon args.


fn flist - A list of functions.

fn[(*) -> number] cond - A function which produces an index by which to obtain a function from flist.


f := Agenda[ [Halve, {3 * _ + 1}], Odd] Print[Map[f, [1, 2, 3, 4]]] ?? [4, 1, 10, 2]
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All[fn|[(*)] f, [(*)] list?] → bool (logic)

Returns true if all members of Map[f, list] are truthy.


[(*)] list? - When omitted, returns true if all members of f are truthy. Otherwise, returns false. When specified, f must be a function.

AllInput[] → string (IO)

Reads all input from the instance's source input.

And[(*) a, (*) b] → bool (logic)

Logical conjunction. Returns true if both a and b are truthy, false otherwise.


Print[TruthTrablePretty["And", 2]] ?? A | B | And[A, B] ?? ---+---+----------- ?? 0 | 0 | 0 ?? 0 | 1 | 0 ?? 1 | 0 | 0 ?? 1 | 1 | 1
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((*) a) and ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if both of a and b are truthy, false otherwise. Short-circuits.

Any[fn|[(*)] f, [(*)] list?] → bool (logic)

Returns true if any member of Map[f, list] is truthy.


[(*)] list? - When omitted, returns true if any member of f is truthy. Otherwise, returns false. When specified, f must be a function.

Applier[fn func] → fn[[(*)]] (functional)

Returns a function fn[...args] which applies func to args.


f := Applier[Print] f[1:5] Print[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ?? 1 2 3 4 5
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Apply[fn func, [(*)] arg_arr] → (*) (functional)

Calls func with arg_arr.


args := [ Reverse, [ "hello", "world" ] ] Print[ Apply[Map, args] ] ?? ["olleh", "dlrow"]
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ArcCos[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates cos-1(n).

ArcCosh[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates cosh-1(n).

ArcSin[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates sin-1(n).

ArcSinh[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates sinh-1(n).

ArcTan[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates tan-1(n).

ArcTan2[number y, number x] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates the principal value of tan-1(y/x), or atan2(y, x).

ArcTanh[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates tanh-1(n).

Arg[number n=0] → string (IO)

Returns the nth argument given to the program.

ArrayFlatten[[[list]] list] → [list] (list/matrix)

Flattens the matrices held in the matrix-like list.


m1 := [[1, 2], [3, 4]] m2 := [[0, 0], [7, 7]] Display[ArrayFlatten[ [[m1, m2, m1], [m2, m1, m2]] ]] ?? 1 2 0 0 1 2 ?? 3 4 7 7 3 4 ?? 0 0 1 2 0 0 ?? 7 7 3 4 7 7
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Average[[number] list] → number (list)

Returns the average of list, that is, the sum of the elements divided by the length.

Bin[number n] → number (numeric/bases)


Converts n to base 2.

Bisect[[(*)] list, **opts] → [[(*)], [(*)]] (list)

Splits list in half.


bias → what should be done with the center element, in the case of odd lists. "none": drop it (default). "left": append center to the left half. "right": append center to the right half.


Print[Bisect[1:4]] ?? [[1, 2], [3, 4]] Print[Bisect[1:5]] ?? [[1, 2], [4, 5]] Print[Bisect[1:5, bias->$none]] ?? [[1, 2], [4, 5]] Print[Bisect[1:5, bias->$left]] ?? [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]] Print[Bisect[1:5, bias->$right]] ?? [[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]
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Bond[fn func, (*) larg] → fn (functional)

Bonds larg to the left side of func. That is, Bond[func, larg][...args] is the same as func[larg, ...args].

Bounce[[(*)] list] → [(*)] (list)

Reforms result.

"Bounces" a list. That is, returns the list concatenated with itself reversed, where the last element of the original array is not duplicated in the concatenation. Inspiration: Jelly's ŒB monadic atom.


Print[Bounce[1:3]] ?? [1, 2, 3, 2, 1] Print[Bounce["Hello"]] ?? HellolleH Print[Bounce[942]] ?? 94249
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C[(*) arg] → fn (functional)

Returns a function that returns arg.

Call[fn f, (*) ...args] → (*) (functional)

Calls f over args.


Call[Print, "Hello", "World"] ?? Hello World
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CallEach[[fn] fs, (*) ...args] → (*) (functional)


Vectorizes function calling over each function f in fs over args.

CallN[fn f, number n, (*) ...args] → (*) (functional)


Calls f n times over args, storing the results in a list.


rand := Configure[Random, RNG->RNG[10]] Print[CallN[Random, 4, 3, 10]] ?? [4, 8, 7, 10] Print[CallN[rand, 10, 0, 1]] ?? [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
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Cbrt[number n] → number (numeric)


Returns the cube root of n.

Ceiling[number n, number r?] → number (numeric)


Returns n rounded up to the nearest integer.


number r? - the precision to round. No precision if omitted.

Center[[(*)] ent, number amt, (*) pad?] → string (string)


Centers ent to amt elements, padding with pad.


(*) pad? - Default: " " or 0, depending on ent.


Print[Center["a", 3]] ?? " a " Print[Center[[1, 2], 6]] ?? [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0] Print[Center["Hi!", 10, "~"]] ?? "~~~Hi!~~~~" Print[Center[9, 5, 1]] ?? 11911
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Char[number|[number] arg] → string (conversion)

Converts arg to characters.


number arg - Converts arg to a character.

[number] arg - Converts arg to a string of char codes.

Chars[string str] → [string] (string)


Returns the characters of str.

Chomp[(*) ent, (*) to_chomp=NOT_PROVIDED] → (*) (string)

Removes to_chomp once from the end of ent.


(*) to_chomp=NOT_PROVIDED - For strings, defaults to "\n"; otherwise, 0.

Chop[[(*)] list, size, **opts] → [[(*)]] (list)

Reforms result's elements.

Chops list into groups of length size.


extra → Boolean: keeps elements which don't add up to size if true. Default: true.


Print[Chop[1:8, 3]] ?? [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8]] Print[Chop[1:8, 3], extra->false] ?? [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] Print[Chop["Hello, World!", 3]] ?? ["Hel", "lo,", " Wo", "rld", "!"] Print[Chop[1:12, [1, 2, 3]]] ?? [[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]
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Chunk[[(*)] list, fn f?] → [[(*), [(*)]]] (list)

Chunks list into runs of consecutive values. Returns an array of members which look like [el, els], where el is the principal run value, and els are the values in that run.


fn f? - When specified, maps each value el in list over f, then uses f[el] as the principal run value.


Print[Chunk[ [1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3] ]] ?? [[1, [1]], [2, [2]], [3, [3]], [2, [2, 2]], [3, [3]]] Display[Chunk[ [1, -1, 1, 1, 2, 3, -3, 5, -2 ], Square ]] ?? 1 [1, -1, 1, 1] ?? 4 [2] ?? 9 [3, -3] ?? 25 [5] ?? 4 [-2]
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Class[fn body, parent=nil] → class (class)

Creates an anonymous class.


fn body - Any local definition made within constitutes a method or instance variable decleration.

ClassNamed[string name, parent=nil] → fn (class)

Creates a named class. Returns a function which acts similarly to Class.

Clear[string name] → (*) (scope)

Undefines name from the global scope. Returns that variable's value, or nil if the variable was undefined.

ClearLocal[string name] → (*) (scope)

Undefines name from the local scope. Returns that variable's value, or nil if the variable was undefined.

ClearScreen[] → nil (IO)

Clears the console's screen.

Cls[] → bool (IO)

Clears the console screen. Returns `true` if successful, `false` otherwise.

Collapse[[(*)] ...lists] → [(*)] (list)

Concatenates all the lists in lists, except for matching prefix-suffix pairs.

Collatz[number n] → [number] (numeric/series)


Produces the Collatz sequence of n.

CollatzSize[number n] → number (numeric/series)


Returns the number of steps it takes for n to reach 1 according to the Collatz transformation.

Complement[[(*)] parent, [(*)] ...args] → [(*)] (list)

Returns all elements of parent not included in any of the lists in args.

Concat[[(*)] ...args] → [(*)] (list)

Returns the concatentation of each list in args.


Print[Concat[ 1:5, 2:3, [7], [[8, 9]] ]] ?? [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 7, [8, 9]]
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Configurable[fn f] → fn (functional)

Gives f access to any options passed to it, i.e. through GetOption.


nameOf := Configurable { GetOption[$name] } Print[nameOf[name -> "John"]] ?? John Print[nameOf[]] ?? nil
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Configure[fn func, **opts] → fn (functional)

Returns a function which calls func configured with opts.


print_weird := Configure[ Print, joiner->", ", before->"{", after->"}\n" ] print_weird[3, 4, 5] ?? {3, 4, 5}
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Cos[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates cos(n).

Cosh[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates cosh(n).

Count[fn|(*) f, [(*)] list] → number (list)


Counts the number of members satisfying f in list; or, if f is not a function, the number of times f appears in list.

Curry[fn f, number arity?] → fn (functional)

Returns fn, fully curried according to arity.


number arity? - Default: #f.


add_dy := [x, y] -> { x + y } adder := Curry[add_dy] add3 := adder[3] Print[add3[5]] ?? 8 Print[adder[2][5]] ?? 7 add_tri := Curry[Add/3] adder1 := add_tri[1] add6 := adder1[5] Print[add6[10]] ?? 16
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Decreasing[[(*)] list] → bool (list/logic)

Returns true if every element a which is followed by an element b is strictly greater than b.


Print[Decreasing[ -(1:5) ]] ?? true Print[Decreasing[ [2, 1, 0] ]] ?? true Print[Decreasing[ [] ]] ?? true Print[Decreasing[ [2, 2, 1, 0] ]] ?? false Print[Decreasing[ 1:5 ]] ?? false
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Define[string name, (*) value] → (*) (scope)

Defines name in the global scope as value. Returns value.


Define[$a, "This is variable a!"] Print[a] ?? This is variable a!
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Delta[[number] list] → [number] (list)

Returns the differences between each member of list.


Print[Delta[ 1:4 ]] ?? [1, 1, 1] Print[Delta[ [] ]] ?? [] Print[Delta[ Square[0:4] ]] ?? [1, 3, 5, 7]
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Denominator[number n] → number (numeric/rational)


Returns the numerator of n.

Difference[[(*)] a, [(*)] b] → [(*)] (list)

Returns all elements exclusive to a or b.

Digits[number n] → [number] (numeric)


Produces the digits of n.

Display[(*) ent] → (*) (IO)

Displays ent in a human-reversible format. Primarily, prints the elements of arrays (whose dimension is at least 2) on separate lines.


Display[ [1:3, 4:6, 9:11] ] ?? 1 2 3 ?? 4 5 6 ?? 9 10 11 Display[ "Hello, World!" ] ?? "Hello, World!"
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Divide[number ...args] → number (numeric)

Divides each number in args by the next. That is, folding division over args

DivMod[number d, number m] → [number, number] (numeric)


Simultaneously calculates division and modulus operations, returned as a pair.


Print[DivMod[23, 2]] ?? [11, 1] Print[DivMod[5, 20]] ?? [0, 5]
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Double[number n] → number (numeric)


Doubles n.

DoWhile[expression cond, expression body] → (*) (logic)

Evaluates body, then stops only if cond evaluates as falsey.


i := 0 DoWhile[i < 5, Print[i]; i := i + 1] ?? 0 ?? 1 ?? 2 ?? 3 ?? 4 DoWhile[false, Print["Hello!"]] ?? Hello!
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Downcase[string str] → string (string)


Replaces all uppercase letters in str with the respective lowercase one.


Print[Downcase["Hello, World!"]] ?? hello, world! Print[Downcase[">>> NO ONE"]] ?? >>> no one Print[Downcase["le monde"]] ?? le monde
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((*) a) else ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns a if a is truthy, b otherwise. Short-circuits.

Enumerate[[(*)] list, start=0] → [[(*), number]] (list)

Returns a list of all elements in list paired with their indices, starting at offset.

Eval[string str] → (*) (meta)

Evaluates str in a new scope. Returns the last expression evaluated.

EvalHere[string str, blanks=[]] → (*) (meta)

Evaluates str in a the current scope. Returns the last expression evaluated.

Even[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)


Returns true if n is even (a multiple of 2), otherwise false.

Exit[number code?] → nil (IO)

Terminates the program with exit code 0. Flushes STDOUT.


number code? - the code to exit with.

Exp[number n] → number (numeric)


Calculates en.

F[BigDecimal|complex|(*) ent] → number (conversion)

Converts ent to a floating-point number.


BigDecimal ent - Obtains the floating point value of ent.

complex ent - Forces each component of ent to be a floating point number.

(*) ent - Calls N[ent], then converts to that float.

Falsey[(*) arg] → bool (logic)

Returns true if arg is falsey, false otherwise. (See also: Not.)

Fibonacci[number n] → number (numeric/series)


Returns the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence, starting with f0 = 0 and f1 = 1.

FileExists[string name] → bool (IO/files)

Returns true if name represents a valid file, false otherwise.

FileRead[string name, **opts] → string (IO/files)

Returns the contents of file name, or nil if the file does not exist.


encoding → The encoding that the target file is in.

FileWrite[string name, string content, **opts] → number (IO/files)

Writes content to file name. Returns the number of bytes written.


encoding → The encoding that the target file is in.

Find[fn|(*) f, [(*)] list] → (*) (list)

Returns the first element e in list which satisfies f. Returns nil otherwise.


fn f - applied to each successive member of list until a truthy value is obtained.

(*) f - returns the first element in list equal to f.

FindHead[[string]|{string->(*)} opts, string val] → string (string)

Selects the first key (or value) in opts which start with val.


names := ["John", "James", "Mary"] Print[FindHead[names, "J"]] ?? John Print[FindHead[names, "Ja"]] ?? James Print[FindHead[names, "M"]] ?? Mary Print[nil = FindHead[names, "Z"]] ?? true options := <~ stop -> 0, continue -> 1, redo -> 2 ~> choice := "s" Print[FindHead[options, choice]] ?? stop
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First[[(*)] list] → (*) (list)

Returns the first element of list.


Print[First[ [3, 9, 2, 0] ]] ?? 3 Print[First[ "Hello!" ]] ?? H
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Fixpoint[fn f, (*) n] → (*) (functional)


Applies f to n until f[n] converges.

Flat[[(*)] list, number n?] → [(*)] (list)

Flattens list.


number n? - when specified, flattens list to 1 level n times.

FlatGet[[(*)] list, [(*)]|(*) inds] → (*) (list)

Returns list[i0][i1]...[iN] for each i in inds.


id := Identity[3] Display[id] ?? 1 0 0 ?? 0 1 0 ?? 0 0 1 Print[FlatGet[id, 0]] ?? [1, 0, 0] Print[FlatGet[id, [0]]] ?? [1, 0, 0] Print[FlatGet[id, [0, 0]]] ?? 1
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FlatGroup[fn f, [(*)] list, (*) fill?] → [(*)] (list)


Equivalent to UnSparse@Group.

Flip[[(*)] list] → [(*)] (list)

Reforms result.

Reverses and transposes a list, or, if the list has only one dimension, reverses it.

Floor[number n, number r?] → number (numeric)


Returns n rounded down to the nearest integer.


number r? - the precision to round. No precision if omitted.

Fold[fn f, [(*)] list, (*) start?] → (*) (functional/list)


Folds the function f over the list list, optionally starting with start.


Print[Fold[${ x + y }, [2, 3, 6, 7]]] ?? 18 Print[Fold[${ $"f[${x}, ${y}]" }, 1:5]] ?? f[f[f[f[1, 2], 3], 4], 5] Print[Fold[Add, 123]] ?? 6 Print[Fold[${ y + x }, "Hello, World!"]] ?? !dlroW ,olleH Print[Fold[Add, [1]]] ?? 1 Display[Fold[Add, []]] ?? nil Display[Fold[Add, [], 0]] ?? 0
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FoldList[fn f, [(*)] ent, (*) start?] → [(*)] (functional/list)


Cumulatively folds the function f over ent, optionally starting at start.

FoldRight[fn f, [(*)] list, (*) start?] → (*) (functional/list)


Folds the function f over the list list, optionally starting with start.


Print[Fold[${ x + y }, [2, 3, 6, 7]]] ?? 18 Print[Fold[${ $"f[${x}, ${y}]" }, 1:5]] ?? f[f[f[f[1, 2], 3], 4], 5] Print[Fold[Add, 123]] ?? 6 Print[Fold[${ y + x }, "Hello, World!"]] ?? !dlroW ,olleH Print[Fold[Add, [1]]] ?? 1 Display[Fold[Add, []]] ?? nil Display[Fold[Add, [], 0]] ?? 0
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FoldRightList[fn f, [(*)] ent, (*) start?] → [(*)] (functional/list)


Cumulatively folds the function f over ent from the right, optionally starting at start.

ForEach[[(*)] ent, body] → nil (logic)

For every value el in ent, evaluates body, setting the first abstract value to el, and the second to its index.

Fork[fn f, fn g, fn h] → fn (functional)

Composes the functions f, g, and h into a fork. When called with arguments args, this is equivalent to calling g[f[...args], h[...args]].


avg := Fork[Sum, Divide, Size] Print[avg[1:5]] ?? 3.0
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Format[string str, (*) ...args] → string (string)

Formats a string. Currently, uses Ruby's % method on strings.


Print[Format["%s is a %s", "Java", "Joke"]] ?? Java is a Joke
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FromBase[[number] num, number base] → number (numeric/bases)


Converts num from base base to base 10.


[number] num - an array of digits representing the number in base base.

number base - a number greater than 0, representing the source base of the numeric array.

GCD[number ...args] → number (numeric)

Takes the Greatest Common Divisor of the atoms of args.


number ...args - List of numbers, which can have nested elements.

GenerateFirst[fn f, fn cond, number start?] → (*) (functional)

Starting at n = start, increments n until cond[f[n]] is truthy. Returns f[n]. Note: this ignores nil values returned.


fn f - A function that maps a number to a domain, such as Square or Prime.

fn cond - A function which, given a possible result of f, returns a truthy or falsey value.

number start? - The starting point for testing numbers.

GenerateN[fn f, fn cond, number size, number start?] → (*) (functional)

Similar to GenerateFirst, returns the first size values of f satisfying cond


fn f - A function that maps a number to a domain, such as Square or Prime.

fn cond - A function which, given a possible result of f, returns a truthy or falsey value.

number start? - The starting point for testing numbers.

Get[[(*)] list, number|ConfigureValue ind] → [(*)]|string (list)


Gets all members at indices inds from list.


ConfigureValue ind - Returns the members between the key and the value. If the value is negative, starts at the respective index from the right. Returns a string if given a string, instead of an array of characters.


Print[Get[1:5, 2]] ?? 3 Print[Get["Hello, World!", 0:4]] ?? ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o"] Print[Get["Hello, World!", 4 -> -4]]
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GetOption[string name, (*) ...others] → (*) (functional)

Gives the function easy access to the OPTIONS variable, if defined. If the requested option was not passed, the first non-nil element in others will be returned, if any.


calibrate := Configurable { sens .= GetOption[$sensitivity, 0.01] If[_ <= sens, "no reading", $"reading: ${_ * sens}" ] } Print[calibrate[5]] ?? reading: 0.05 Print[calibrate[5, sensitivity->100]] ?? no reading
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Grade[[(*)] list] → [number] (list)

Returns a list of indices such that, when list is indexed by that list, the result is list sorted.

Grid[string str, string inner?] → string (string)

Returns the characters of each line of str.


string inner? - Character to pad the ends of each line with. Default: " ".


Map[Print, Grid["Hello,\nWorld\nof mine!"]] ?? ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", ",", " ", " "] ?? ["W", "o", "r", "l", "d", " ", " ", " "] ?? ["o", "f", " ", "m", "i", "n", "e", "!"]
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Group[fn f, [(*)] list] → Hash[(*) -> (*)] (list)


Groups list according to Map[fn, list].

Halve[number n] → number (numeric)


Takes half of n.

Has[[(*)]|string list, (*) member] → bool (list)

Returns true if list contains member, false otherwise.


string list - returns if member is contained within list.

Hash[ConfigureValue ...opts] → Hash[string -> (*)] (data)

Creates a hash.


ConfigureValue ...opts - A series of value pairs a -> v.

Hex[number n] → number (numeric/bases)


Converts n to base 16.

Hook[fn f, fn g] → fn (functional)

Composes the functions f and g into a hook. When called with arguments args this is equivalent to calling f[First[args], g[...args]].

HTMLEscape[string str] → string (string/HTML)

Escapes str such that it is safe to be passed to an HTML document. (Escapes the following: &<>".)

Id[(*) a] → (*) (functional)

Identity function; returns its argument.

If[(*) cond, expression t, expression f?] → (*) (logic)

If cond is truthy, evaluates t. Otherwise, if f is specified, evaluates f.


If[3 = 4, Print["Logic does not hold!"], Print["Everything is situation normal."] ]
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Im[(*) n] → number (numeric)


Returns the imaginary part of n, or 0 if it doesn't exist.

Imaginary[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)


Returns true if n = a+bi for b /= 0, otherwise false.

((*) x) in ([(*)] y) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if y contains x, otherwise false. See also: Has.


Print[3 in 1:5] ?? true Print[30 in 1:5] ?? false
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Increasing[[(*)] list] → bool (list/logic)

Returns true if each member el is strictly greater than the previous element, otherwise false.

Index[[(*)] list, (*) ind] → number (list)


Returns the index of the first occurrence of ind in list.

IndexFlat[[(*)] list, (*) ind] → number (list)

Returns the index of the first occurrence of ind in list.

Indices[[(*)] list, (*) ind] → [number] (list)


Returns all indices at which ind occurs in list.


Print[Indices[ [1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1], [1, 3] ]] ?? [[0, 1, 4, 6], [3, 5]]
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IndicesFlat[[(*)] list, (*) ind] → [number] (list)

Returns all indices at which ind occurs in list.


Print[IndicesFlat[ [1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1], [1, 3] ]] ?? []
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Integers[...args] → [(*)] (list)

Returns the first Prod[Size => args] non-negative integers.

Integral[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)


Returns true if n represents an integer, otherwise false.

Intersection[[(*)] ...lists] → [(*)] (list)

Returns the intersection of the arguments.

Intersperse[[(*)] list, (*) joiner] → [(*)] (list)

Returns a list where joiner is placed in between each element of list.


Print[Intersperse[1:3, 0]] ?? [1, 0, 2, 0, 3]
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IntLog[number n, base] → number (numeric)


Calculates the discrete logarithm of n mod base.

Invariant[fn func, (*) arg?] → bool (logic)

Determines whether or not arg = func[arg]


(*) arg? - when omitted, returns a function f[x] = Invariant[func, x].

InvocationIndex[fn func] → fn (functional)

Given a function func, returns a function which calls func with an additional argument representing the number of times func has been invoked.

Iota[[(*)]|number min] → [(*)] (list)

Returns an range from 0 (inclusive) to min or the length of min as applicable (exclusive).


Print[Iota[5]] ?? [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] Print[Iota["Hi!"]] ?? [0, 1, 2]
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((*) x) is ((*) y) → bool (operator/logic)

Synonym for ==.

((*) el) is_a (class klass) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if el is an instance of klass, otherwise false.

((*) el) is_an (class klass) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if el is an instance of klass, otherwise false.

((*) el) is_not_a (class klass) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns false if el is an instance of klass, otherwise true.

((*) el) is_not_an (class klass) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns false if el is an instance of klass, otherwise true.

IsComposite[number n] → bool (numeric/prime)


Returns true if n is composite (not prime), and false otherwise.

IsImaginary[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)

Returns true if n = a+bi for b /= 0, otherwise false.

IsPrime[number n] → bool (numeric/prime)


Returns true if n is prime, and false otherwise.

IsRational[(*) x] → bool (numeric/logic)

Returns true is n is a Rational, false otherwise.

IsSquare[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)

Returns true if n is a perfect square (i.e. expressable as an integer multiplied by itself), otherwise false.

Join[[(*)] list, string joiner?] → string (string)


Joins list by joiner.

Larger[[(*)] a, [(*)] b] → (*) (list)


Returns the larger of a and b. Similar to Max, except Larger vectorizes.


Print[Larger[1, 5]] ?? 5 Print[Larger[[1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]]] ?? [3, 2, 3]
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Last[[(*)]|string list] → (*) (list)

Returns the last member of list.


Print[Last["hiya"]] ?? a Print[Last[1:5]] ?? 5
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LastIndex[[(*)] list, (*) ind] → number (list)


Returns the index of the last occurrence of ind in list.

LastIndexFlat[[(*)] list, (*) ind] → number (list)

Returns the index of the last occurrence of ind in list.

LCM[number ...args] → number (numeric)

Takes the Least Common Multiple of the atoms of args.


number ...args - List of numbers, which can have nested elements.

Lines[string str] → [string] (string)


Returns all lines of str; splits on line breaks, which are newlines preceeded by an optional carriage reutrn.


Print[Lines["abc\nhello"]] ?? ["abc", "hello"]
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List[(*) ent] → [(*)] (list)

Forces ent into a list.


number ent - Returns the digits of ent.

string ent - Returns the characters of ent.

hash ent - Returns an array of key-value pairs in ent.

Ln[number n] → number (numeric)


Takes the natural logarithm of n. Note that ln(n)=loge(n).

Local[string name, (*) value] → (*) (scope)

Defines name in the local scope as value. Returns value.

Log[number n] → number (numeric)


Takes the base-10 logarithm of n.

Log2[number n] → number (numeric)


Takes the base-2 logarithm of n.

LogBase[number n, b] → number (numeric)


Takes the base-b logarithm of n.

LowerTriangle[[[(*)]] mat, bool strict?] → [[(*)]] (list/matrix)

Returns the lower triangle of mat, where the remaining values are replaced with zeroes.


bool strict? - If true, includes the diagonal. Default: true.


mat := Integers[3, 3] + 1 Display[mat] ?? 1 2 3 ?? 4 5 6 ?? 7 8 9 Display[LowerTriangle[mat]] ?? 1 0 0 ?? 4 5 0 ?? 7 8 9 Display[LowerTriangle[mat, true]] ?? 0 0 0 ?? 4 0 0 ?? 7 8 0
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Mask[[(*)] mask, [(*)] list] → [(*)] (logic)

Reforms result.

Selects all elements el in list whose respective member in mask is truthy.


Print[Mask[ [true, false, true, true, false], 1:5]] ?? [1, 3, 4]
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Match[string source, (*) match] → string (string/regex)


Matches first occurrence of match (cast to regex) in source. If only one argument source is given, then returns a function which takes the source as input.


Print[Match["no you?", ".{3}"]] ?? "no " Print[Match["cat in the hat", "[ch]at"]] ?? "cat" match2vowels := Match[`"\w*[aeiou]{2}\w*"] Print[match2vowels["Hello, loopy man!"]] ?? "loopy"
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MatchAll[string source, (*) match] → [(*)] (string/regex)


Matches all occurrences of match in source.


Print[MatchAll["no you?", ".{3}"]] ?? ["no ", "you"] Print[MatchAll["cat in the hat", "[ch]at"]] ?? ["cat", "hat"] match2vowels := MatchAll[`"\w*[aeiou]{2}\w*"] Print[match2vowels["Hello, loopy man!"]] ?? ["loopy"]
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Max[(*) ...args] → (*) (list)

Returns the largest element contained in any atom of args.

Median[[number] list] → number (list)

Returns the median of list.


Print[Median[[1, 2, 3]]] ?? 2 Print[Median[[1, 2, 3, 4]]] ?? 2.5
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Min[(*) ...args] → (*) (list)

Returns the smallest element contained in any atom of args.

Modify[string head, expression body] → (*) (scope)

Modifies head according to body.


expression body - an expression using the first abstract variable _ to represent the original value.


a := 3 Modify[$a, _ * 2 + 1] Print[a] ?? 7
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Multiply[number ...args] → number (numeric)

Takes the product of the elements of args.

N[[number]|string|number|(*) ent] → number (conversion)

Converts ent to an number.


[number] ent - Converts ent to base 10.

string ent - Parses ent as a base 10 integer.

number ent - Converts ent to an integer if it represents one.

(*) ent - Attempts to cast ent to an integer.

Nand[(*) a, (*) b] → bool (logic)

Logical alternative denial. Returns true if at least one of a and b are falsey, false otherwise.


Print[TruthTrablePretty["Nand", 2]] ?? A | B | Nand[A, B] ?? ---+---+------------ ?? 0 | 0 | 1 ?? 0 | 1 | 1 ?? 1 | 0 | 1 ?? 1 | 1 | 0
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((*) a) nand ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if one of a and b are falsey, false otherwise. Short-circuits.

Needs[string ...libs] → [string] (meta)

Imports libraries. Returns list of libaries' names included.


string ...libs - list of strings corresponding to library names.

Negative[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)


Returns true if n is less than 0, otherwise false.

Nest[fn f, init, number n] → (*) (functional)

Applies f to init n times.


Print[Nest[Double, 1, 3]] ?? 8 (= 2 ^ 3)
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NestList[fn f, init, number n, **opts] → (*) (functional)

Applies f to init n times, keeping the intermediate results.


first → Specifies whether or not to include the first element. Default: true.


Print[NestList[Double, 1, 3]] ?? [1, 2, 4, 8] Print[NestList[Double, 1, 3, first->false]] ?? [2, 4, 8]
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NestListWhile[fn f, fn cond, (*) init, **opts] → (*) (functional)

Applies f to init until cond[init] is truthy.


first → whether or not the input element init is included as the first element in the results. Default: true.


Print[NestListWhile[Halve, Even, 100]] ?? [100, 50, 25]
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NestWhile[fn f, fn cond, (*) init] → (*) (functional)


Applies f to init until cond[init] is truthy.


Print[NestWhile[Halve, Even, 100]] ?? 25
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New[class ac, (*) ...args] → class[] (class)

Instantiates a class with parameters args.

NextPrime[number n, number rep?] → number (numeric/prime)


Returns the next prime greater than n.


number rep? - When specified, returns the repth prime after n.

None[fn|[(*)] f, [(*)] list?] → bool (logic)

Returns Not[Any[...]].


[(*)] list? - When omitted, returns true if any member of f is truthy. Otherwise, returns false. When specified, f must be a function.

((*) a) nor ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if both of a and b are falsey, false otherwise. Short-circuits.

Nor[(*) a, (*) b] → bool (logic)

Logical joint denial. Returns true if at both a and b are falsey, false otherwise.


Print[TruthTrablePretty["Nor", 2]] ?? A | B | Nor[A, B] ?? ---+---+----------- ?? 0 | 0 | 1 ?? 0 | 1 | 0 ?? 1 | 0 | 0 ?? 1 | 1 | 0
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not ((*) arg) → bool (unary operator)

Returns false if b is truthy, true otherwise.

Not[(*) arg] → bool (logic)

Returns true if arg is falsey, false otherwise. (See also: Falsey.)

((*) a) not ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns false if b is truthy, a otherwise.


even_nonpos := { Even[_] not Positive[_] } Print[Select[even_nonpos, [-4, -3, -2, 0, 2, 3, 4]]] ?? [-4, -2, 0]
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Numerator[number n] → number (numeric/rational)


Returns the numerator of n.

Numeric[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)

Returns true if n is a numeric value, otherwise false.

Oct[number n] → number (numeric/bases)


Converts n to base 8.

Odd[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)


Returns true if n is odd (not a multiple of 2), otherwise false.

On[fn|[number] cond, fn f, [(*)] arr] → [number] (functional)


Applies f to indices of arr, selected by cond.


fn cond - If the given index yields true over cond, then the respective element is mapped to f.

[number] cond - If the given index is a member of cond.


on_second := On[Odd] rev_second := on_second[Reverse] Print[rev_second[[ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], ["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"] ]]] ?? [[1, 2, 3], [6, 5, 4], ["a", "b", "c"], ["f", "e", "d"]]
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Option[string prompt, **opts] → string (IO)

Prints prompt and waits for character input found in opts.


input := Option["Press something!", s -> "stop this program", i -> "print info", h -> "print hello world" ] ?? outputs "Press something!" ?? user presses the `i` key Print["Received:", Repr[input]] ?? Received: "i"
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Or[(*) a, (*) b] → bool (logic)

Logical disjunction. Returns true if at least one of a and b are truthy, false otherwise.


Print[TruthTrablePretty["Or", 2]] ?? A | B | Or[A, B] ?? ---+---+---------- ?? 0 | 0 | 0 ?? 0 | 1 | 1 ?? 1 | 0 | 1 ?? 1 | 1 | 1
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((*) a) or ((*) b) → (*) (operator/logic)

Returns a if a is truthy, b otherwise. Short-circuits.

Ord[string|number ent, number offset?] → number (string)


Returns the UTF-8 ordinal representing ent.


number offset? - Specifies the offset at which the ordinal is taken.


Print[Ord["A"]] ?? 65 Print[Ord["asdf"]] ?? 97 Print[Ord["asdf", 1]] ?? 115 Print[Ord["asdf", 1:3]] ?? [115, 100, 102] Print[Ord[33]] ?? 33
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Ords[string|number ent] → [number] (string)


Maps Ord over the characters of ent if it is a string; otherwise, is equivalent to [Ord[ent]].


Print[Ords["Hello!"]] ?? [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 33] Print[Ords[ [33, 34, 35] ]] ?? [32, 34, 35]
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Outers[[(*)] list, number n?] → [(*)] (list)


Returns the outermost n elements from the left and right sides of list.


number n? - Default: 1


Print[Outers[1:5]] ?? [1, 5] Print[Outers[1:5, 2]] ?? [1, 2, 4, 5]
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Over[ConfigureValue ...opts] → fn (functional/list)

Returns a function that will, over each element of its input list, select the first appropriate condition (if any) defined in opts and apply it to each element. Each key is a condition, and each value is a function to apply on elements satisfying that condition.


squareFirst := Over[0 -> Square] Print[squareFirst[3:6]] ?? [9, 4, 5, 6] squareOddIndices := Over[Odd -> Square] Print[squareOddIndices[2:6]] ?? [2, 9, 4, 25, 6] zeroOutEvenIndices := Over[Even -> 0] Print[zeroOutEvenIndices[1:5]] ?? [0, 2, 0, 4, 0] oddEvenPulse := Over[Odd -> Succ, Even -> Pred] Print[oddEvenPulse[1:5]] ?? [0, 3, 2, 5, 4] named[x] := x = 0 or x = 2 negateNamed := Over[$named -> { -_ }] Print[negateNamed[1:5]] ?? [-1, 2, -3, 4, 5] named[x] := x /= 0 Print[negateNamed[1:5]] ?? [-1, 2, -3, 4, 5]
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Overlap[[(*)] list, [(*)] search] → bool (list/logic)

Returns true if search exists as a contiguous subset in list, otherwise false.

PadLeft[(*) ent, number amt, (*) fill?] → (*) (string)

Pads ent to be no less than length amt, padding with fill elements fill on the left.


string ent - appends space characters to the left of ent.

[(*)] ent - appends 0s to the left of ent.


Display[PadLeft["Charles", 20]] ?? " Charles" Print[PadLeft[1:3, 6]] ?? [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]
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PadRight[(*) ent, number amt, (*) fill?] → (*) (string)

Pads ent to be no less than length amt, padding with fill elements fill on the right.


string ent - appends space characters to the right of ent.

[(*)] ent - appends 0s to the right of ent.


Display[PadRight["Charles", 20]] ?? "Charles " Print[PadRight[1:3, 6]] ?? [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]
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Palindromic[[(*)]|string ent] → bool (list/logic)

Determines if ent is palindromic, that is, if it is itself reversed.

parentof ((*) el) → class|nil (unary operator)

Returns the parent class of el, or nil if it doesn't exist.

Periodic[fn f, x] → fn (functional)


Returns a function which, given (*) x, applies f to x until a result occurs twice, then returns the final result.


dig_root := Periodic[Sum@Digits] Print[dig_root[1853]] ?? 8
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PeriodicSteps[fn f, x] → fn (functional)


Returns a function which, given (*) x, applies f to x until a result occurs twice, then returns the list of intermediate steps.


dig_root_steps := PeriodicSteps[Sum@Digits] Print[dig_root_steps[1853]] ?? [1853, 17, 8, 8]
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PlusMinus[number a, number b] → [number] (numeric)


Returns [a - b, a + b].

Polygonal[number n, number order=3] → number (numeric/series)


Obtains the nth order-agonal number.


(* The triangular numbers (default) *) Print[Polygonal[0:5, 3]] ?? [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15] Print[Polygonal[0:5]] ?? [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15] (* The square numbers *) Print[Polygonal[0:5, 4]] ?? [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
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Pop[[(*)] list, count=nil] → (*) (list)

Pops a member from the end of list, modifying it. Returns that element.

Positions[[(*)] arr, [(*)] els?] → [(*), [(*)]] (list)

Returns a list of lists of the form [id, inds], where id corresponds to a unique element of els. inds is a narray of indices where id occurs.


[(*)] els? - Default: arr.


Display[Positions[ [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1] ]] 1 [0, 5] 2 [1, 3] 3 [2] 4 [4] Display[Positions["Hello!", ["l", "!"]]] "l" [2, 3] "!" [5]
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Positive[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)


Returns true if n is greater than 0, otherwise false.

Powerset[[(*)] list] → [[(*)]] (list)

Reforms result's elements.

Returns the powerset of list.


Print[Powerset[ [9,4,6] ]] ?? [[], [9], [4], [9, 4], [6], [9, 6], [4, 6], [9, 4, 6]] Print[Powerset[123]] ?? [0, 1, 2, 12, 3, 13, 23, 123]
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Pred[(*) ent] → (*) (data)

Returns the successor of ent.

Prefixes[[(*)] list] → [[(*)]] (list)

Reforms result's elements.

Returns the non-empty prefixes of list.


Print[Prefixes[1:5]] ?? [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] Print[Prefixes["hi?"]] ?? ["h", "hi", "hi?"] Print[Prefixes[901]] ?? [9, 90, 901]
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PreviousPrime[number n, number rep?] → number (numeric/prime)


Returns the closest previous prime before n.


number rep? - When specified, returns the repth prime before n.

Prime[number n] → number (numeric/prime)


Returns the nth prime, starting at Prime[1] = 2.


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PrimeDivision[number n] → [[number, number]] (numeric/prime)


Returns a list of the prime exponents of n. That is, a list of base-exponent pairs [[p1, e1], ..., [pN, eN]] such that pk and n=1k<npkek.

PrimeFactors[number n] → [number] (numeric/prime)


Returns a list of the prime factors of n with duplicates.

PrimeNu[number n] → number (numeric/prime)


Returns the number of unique prime factors of n.

PrimeOmega[number n] → number (numeric/prime)


Returns the number of prime factors of n.

Primes[number n] → [number] (numeric/prime)


Returns a list of the first n primes.

Print[(*) ...args, **opts] → [(*)] (IO)

Prints each argument of args, separated by spaces.


after → String printed after everything else. Default: "\n".

before → String printed before everything else. Default: "".

joiner → The string which joins args. Default: " ".

Prod[[number] list] → number (list)

Returns the product of all members of list.

Prompt[string prompt?] → string (IO)

Prompts for a line of input. Returns string without trailing newline.


string prompt? - String to display before input text. Nothing if omitted.

Push[[(*)] list, (*) ...args] → [(*)] (list)

Pushes args to the end of list, modifying it. Returns list.

Pythagorean[number n] → [number] (numeric/series)


Returns the nth enumeration of the Pythagorean triples.


Print => Pythagorean[0:10] ?? [3, 4, 5] ?? [8, 6, 10] ?? [5, 12, 13] ?? [15, 8, 17] ?? [12, 16, 20] ?? [7, 24, 25] ?? [24, 10, 26] ?? [21, 20, 29] ?? [16, 30, 34] ?? [9, 40, 41] ?? [35, 12, 37]
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Random[...args, **opts] → number (numeric/random)

Returns a pseudo-random number. By default, returns a random float between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).


- If m is omitted, returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive).

- When provided, returns a random integer between n and m, inclusive.

Range[number|string min, number|string max?] → [number|string] (list)


Returns a range from min to max inclusive.


number|string max? - If omitted, returns Range[0, min].


Print[Range[1, 5]] ?? [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Print[Range["a", "d"]] ?? ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
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Rational[number a, number b] → rational (numeric)


Returns a fraction representing a / b.

RBond[fn func, (*) rarg] → fn (functional)

Bonds larg to the right side of func. That is, Bond[func, rarg][...args] is the same as func[...args, rarg].

Re[(*) n] → number (numeric)


Returns the imaginary part of n, or n if it doesn't exist.

ReadChar[] → string (IO)

Reads a character from the input.

ReadFloat[] → number (IO)

Reads a float from the input.

ReadInt[] → number (IO)

Reads an integer from the input.

ReadLine[] → string (IO)

Reads a line of input, to include any trailing newline.

ReadLineLoop[(*) ...args, fn[string -> string] func] → [string] (IO)

Iterates func over lines of stdin received by Prompt[...args]. Returns a list of these lines modified by func.


fn[string -> string] func - A function that receives lines of input and returns a string.

ReadNumber[] → number (IO)

Reads a number from the input.

Real[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)


Returns true if n has no imaginary part, otherwise false.

Remove[[(*)] list, (*) ent] → [(*)] (list)

Reforms result.

Returns list without any instances of ent.


Print[Remove[1:5, 3]] ?? [1, 2, 4, 5] Print[Remove["Hello, World!", "l"]] ?? "Heo, Word!" Print[Remove["Hello, World!", "ll"]] ?? "Hello, World!"
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RemoveAmong[[(*)] list, [(*)] ents] → [(*)] (list)

Reforms result.

Returns list without any of the elements specified by ents.


Print[RemoveAmong[1:9, 4:7]] ?? [1, 2, 3, 8, 9] Print[RemoveAmong["Hello, World!", $A:$Z]] ?? ello, orld! Print[RemoveAmong[12930, 0'2'4'6'8]] ?? 12930
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RemoveFirst[[(*)] list, (*) ent] → [(*)] (list)

Reforms result.

Returns list without the first occurrence of ent.


Print[RemoveFirst[[1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5], 3]] ?? [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5] Print[RemoveFirst["Hello, World!", "l"]] ?? "Helo, World!" Print[RemoveFirst["Hello, World!", "ll"]] ?? "Hello, World!"
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RemoveLast[[(*)] list, (*) ent] → [(*)] (list)

Reforms result.

Returns list without the first occurrence of ent.


Print[RemoveLast[[1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3], 3]] ?? [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4] Print[RemoveLast["Hello, World!", "l"]] ?? "Hello, Word!" Print[RemoveLast["Hello, World!", "ll"]] ?? "Hello, World!"
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Repeat[number ent, amt] → [(*)] (list)


Returns ent repeated amt times.


Print[Repeat["Hello!", 3]] ?? ["Hello!", "Hello!", "Hello!"] Print[Repeat[4, 0]] ?? [] Print[Repeat[9, 1:5]] ?? [[9], [9, 9], [9, 9, 9], [9, 9, 9, 9], [9, 9, 9, 9, 9]]
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Replace[string str, string|regex search, string replace?] → string (string)

Replaces all occurrences of search in str with replace.


- : "".

ReplaceF[string str, string|regex search, fn func] → string (string)

For each e matching search found in str, replaces it with func[e].


Print[ReplaceF["Student 9234-B hsa received a 97.03% on their test.", /"\\d+", Reverse]] ?? Student 4329-B hsa received a 79.30% on their test.
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ReplaceMultiple[string str, ConfigureValue ...args] → string (string)

For each ConfigureValue search -> replace in args, replaces all occurrences of search in str with replace. Works iteratively, starting with the first replacement.


Print[ReplaceMultiple[ "Hello, World!", ll -> "no", oo -> "", l -> "q" ]] ?? Hen, Worqd!
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Resize[[(*)] list, number size] → [(*)] (list)

Reforms result.

Resizes list to be of length size, cyclically repeating elements if size exceeds #list.


Print[Resize["Hello!", 2]] ?? He Print[Resize[[1, 2], 7]] ?? [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1]
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Retrieve[string name] → (*) (scope)

Returns the value of the variable whose name is name.


a := 323 Print[Retrieve[$a]] ?? 323
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Reverse[(*) ent] → (*) (list)

Reverses the elements of ent.

RLE[(*) list] → [[(*), number]] (list)

Returns an array representing the run-length encoded version of list.


Display[RLE["hmmmmm..."]] "h" 1 "m" 5 "." 3
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RNG[number seed=Random.new_seed] → RNG (numeric/random)

Returns an RNG, seeded with seed, or a random value if unspecified.

Root[number b, number n] → number (numeric)


Returns the bth root of n.

Rot[string str, number amount=13] → str (string)


Translates every alphabetic character in str amount character to the right, wrapping around.


Print[Rot["Hello, World!"]] ?? Uryyb, Jbeyq! Print[Rot["Hello, World!", 1]] ?? Ifmmp, Xpsme! Print[Rot["Ifmmp, Xpsme!", -1]] ?? Hello, World!
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Rotate[[(*)] list, number amount=1] → [(*)] (list)


Rotates list to the left by amount.


Print[Rotate[1:5, 2]] ?? [3, 4, 5, 1, 2] Print[Rotate["Sorry!", -1]] ?? !Sorry
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Rotations[[(*)] list] → [(*)] (list)

Returns all rotations of list.


Display[Rotations[1:5]] 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 5 1 2 4 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4
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Round[number n, number r?] → number (numeric)


Returns n rounded half-up to the nearest integer.


number r? - the precision to round. No precision if omitted.

Same[[(*)] ...args] → bool (list)

Returns true if every member in each argument is the same.


Print[Same[1:5]] ?? false Print[Same[ [1, 1, 1, 1] ]] ?? true Print[Same[ [1:3, 1:3, 1:3] ]] ?? true
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Save[(*) ...args] → [(*)] (meta)

Updates values of global abstracts, respective to args. _1 would become args[0], and _n would become args[n-1].

Series[fn[number] f, number max, number start?, **config] → [number] (functional)

Obtains all non-negative values under max by repeating f.


include → determines whether or not to include max as an upperbound. Default: false


Print[Series[Prime, 13]] ?? [2, 3, 5, 7, 11] Print[Series[Prime, 13, include->true]] ?? [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
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SeriesIf[fn[n] f, fn[n->b] cond, number max, number start?, **config] → [number] (functional)

Obtains all non-negative values under max which satisfy cond by repeating f.


include → determines whether or not to include max as an upperbound. Default: false


Print[SeriesIf[Prime, Odd, 13]] ?? [3, 5, 7, 11] Print[SeriesIf[Prime, Odd, 13, include->true]] ?? [3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
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Shift[[(*)] list, count=nil] → (*) (list)

Pops a member from the start of list, modifying it. Returns that element.

Shuffle[[(*)] list, **opts] → [(*)] (list/random)

Reforms result.

Shuffles the contents of list.


RNG → specifies which RNG to shuffle by.

Sign[number n] → number (numeric)


Returns the sign of n; Returns -1 if n is negative, 1 if it is positive, and 0 otherwise.

Sin[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates sin(n).

Sinh[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates sinh(n).

Slices[[(*)] list, number|[number] skew=(1..list.size).to_a] → [[(*)]] (list)

Returns all slices of list of length skew.


Print[Slices[1:6, 2]] ?? [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6]]
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SlicesFill[[(*)] list, number|[number] skew=(1..list.size).to_a, **opts] → [[(*)]] (list)

Returns all slices of list of length skew, including an implied threshold of entities to the left and right of list.


fill → The entity to fill the threshold. Default: 0.

compact → If true, removes the treshold after the slices are generated. Default: false.



Print[SlicesFill[1:6, 2]] ?? [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 0]] Print[SlicesFill["a":"f", 2, fill->" "]] [[" ", "a"], ["a", "b"], ["b", "c"], ["c", "d"], ["d", "e"], ["e", "f"], ["f", " "]] Print[SlicesFill[1:3, 2, compact->true]] ?? [[1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3]] Print[SlicesFill[1:3, 2, repeat->3]] ?? [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]
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Sparse[[(*)] list, (*) search?] → hash (list)

Converts list to a hash of sparse values.


(*) search? - if specified, treats search as the assumed value.


rand := Configure[Random, RNG->RNG[104]] vals := Do[ N@{ rand[] < 0.1 }, 100] Print[Sparse[vals]] ?? {11=>1, 32=>1, 35=>1, 43=>1, 51=>1, 55=>1, 67=>1, 71=>1, 86=>1}
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Split[string str, string|regex sep?] → [string] (string)


Splits str on occurrences of sep. When sep is omitted, splits str on whitespace.

Sqrt[number n] → number (numeric)


Returns the square root of n. The result is imaginary if n is negative.

Square[number n] → number (numeric)


Returns the square of n.

StdDev[[number] list] → number (list)

Calculates the standard deviation of list.

Stdin[] → string (IO)

Reads all of STDIN.

Stdout[(*) ...args] → nil (IO)

Writes args, joined together, to STDOUT.

String[(*) ent, ...modes] → string (conversion)

Converts ent to a string.

Subtract[number ...args] → number (numeric)

Subtracts each number in args by the next. That is, folding subtraction over args.

Succ[(*) ent] → (*) (data)

Returns the successor of ent.

Suffixes[[(*)] list] → [[(*)]] (list)

Reforms result's elements.

Returns the non-empty suffixes of list.


Print[Suffixes[1:5]] ?? [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5], [5]] Print[Suffixes["hi?"]] ?? ["hi?", "i?", "?"] Print[Suffixes[901]] ?? [901, 1, 1]
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TakeWhile[fn cond, [(*)] list] → list (functional)

Reforms result.

Returns elements from list until before the first element which does not satisfy cond.


Display[TakeWhile[{_ /= sp}, "Hello, World!"]] ?? "Hello," Print[TakeWhile[Even, [2, 4, 6, 1, 2, 3]]] ?? [2, 4, 6] Print[TakeWhile[IsPrime, 357923]] ?? 357
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Tan[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates tan(n).

Tanh[number n] → number (numeric/trig)


Calculates tan(n).

Tie[(*)|fn ...args] → (*)|fn (functional)

Ties args together.


(*) args - Concatenates all args together.

fn args - Creates a tie between all of args.


Print[Tie[1:3, 5:7]] ?? [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7] f := Tie[Double, Halve] Print[f[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]] ?? [2, 1, 6, 2, 10, 3]
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TieArray[fn ...funcs] → fn (functional)

Tie, but applied to the first argument instead of all arguments.


f := TieArray[Double, Halve] Print[f[1:6]] ?? [2, 1, 6, 2, 10, 3]
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ToBase[number num, number base] → [number] (numeric/bases)


Converts num to base base.

Translate[string str, string source, string repl] → string (string)

Replaces each character in source with the respective character in repl in str. Character ranges are specified with -.


Print[Translate["Hello, World!", "a-z", "A-Z"]] ?? "HELLO, WORLD!" Print[Translate["No one is here today, James", "a-zA-Z", "A-Za-z"]] ?? "nO ONE IS HERE TODAY, jAMES"
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TriangleRange[number a, number b] → [[number, number]] (list)

Returns an array of lists representing all pairs (x, y) such that a <= y <= b and a <= x < y.

TriangleSelect[fn cond, number a, number b] → [[number, number]] (list)

Returns an array of lists representing all pairs (x, y) satisfying cond such that a <= y <= b and a <= x < y.

Triangular[number n] → number (numeric/series)


Returns the nth Triangular number.


Print[Triangular[0:5]] Print[Polygonal[0:5, 3]] ?? [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
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Truthy[(*) arg] → bool (logic)

Returns true if arg is truthy, false otherwise.

typeof ((*) el) → Type (unary operator)

Returns the type of el.

UnBin[[number] n] → number (numeric/bases)

Converts from base 2 (binary) to base 10.

UnHex[[number] n] → number (numeric/bases)

Converts from base 16 (hexadecimal) to base 10.

Union[[(*)] ...lists] → [(*)] (list)

Returns an array representing the union of all lists in lists.

Unique[[(*)] list, number count?] → [(*)] (list)

Vectorizes. Reforms result.

Returns the non-duplicated elements in list.


number count? - Limits the occurences of each element to count.


Print[Unique[ [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 7, 6, 7] ]] ?? [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 6] keep2 := Unique&2 Print[keep2[ [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5] ]] ?? [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 9, 9, 5] Print[Unique["Hello, World!"]] ?? Helo, Wrd! Display => Unique["There are certain people here!", 0:8] ?? "" ?? "Ther actinpol!" ?? "There ar ctainpoplh!" ?? "There are crtain poplh!" ?? "There are certain popl hr!" ?? "There are certain peopl hr!" ?? "There are certain people hr!" ?? "There are certain people her!" ?? "There are certain people here!"
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UniqueBy[fn map, [(*)] list, number count?] → [(*)] (list)

Curries. Reforms result.

Returns the non-duplicated elements in list according to the image of map.


number count? - Limits the occurences of each element to count.


words := ["Hello!", "world", "no!", "1234", "I swear I lived", "azure"] Print[UniqueBy[Last, words]] ?? ["Hello!", "world", "1234", "azure"] ClassNamed[Person]! { name .= _1 age .= _2 $string[] .= $"${name}, age ${age}" } people := [ Person["John", 14], Person["Riker", 15], Person["Jackson", 15], Person["Amy", 13], Person["Marie", 14], Person["Teressa", 16] ] by_age := UniqueBy[.age] Print => by_age[people] ?? John, age 14 ?? Riker, age 15 ?? Amy, age 13 ?? Teressa, age 16
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UnOct[[number] n] → number (numeric/bases)

Converts from base 8 (octal) to base 10.

Unshift[[(*)] list, (*) ...args] → [(*)] (list)

Pushes args to the start of list, modifying it. Returns list.

UnSparse[Hash[(*) -> (*)] ent, (*) fill?] → [(*)] (list)

Treats ent as a hash where keys are indices and values are values, and converts to an array, filling in empty values with fill.


(*) fill? - default: nil.


test := <~ 0 -> 3, 2 -> 4, 6 -> 3 ~> Print[UnSparse[test]] ?? [3, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 3] Print[UnSparse[test, nil]] ?? [3, nil, 4, nil, nil, nil, 3]
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Upcase[string str] → string (string)


Replaces all lowercase letters in str with the respective uppercase one.


Print[Upcase["Hello, World!"]] ?? HELLO, WORLD! Print[Upcase[">>> NO ONE"]] ?? >>> NO ONE Print[Upcase["le monde"]] ?? LE MONDE
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UpperTriangle[[[(*)]] mat, bool strict?] → [[(*)]] (list/matrix)

Returns the upper triangle of mat, where the remaining values are replaced with zeroes.


bool strict? - If true, includes the diagonal. Default: true.


mat := Integers[3, 3] + 1 Display[mat] ?? 1 2 3 ?? 4 5 6 ?? 7 8 9 Display[UpperTriangle[mat]] ?? 1 2 3 ?? 0 5 6 ?? 0 0 9 Display[UpperTriangle[mat, true]] ?? 0 2 3 ?? 0 0 6 ?? 0 0 0
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V[(*) ...args] → [(*)] (data)

Returns an array of the arguments.

Wait[number n=NOT_PROVIDED] → number (IO)

Sleeps for `n` seconds, or indefinitely if no argument is provided. Returns `n`.

While[expression cond, expression body] → (*) (logic)

While cond evaluates as truthy, evaluates body. Returns nil if cond was false before executing body.


i := 0 While[i < 5, Print[i]; i := i + 1] ?? 0 ?? 1 ?? 2 ?? 3 ?? 4 While[false, Print["Hello!"]] ?? nothing is printed
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Xnor[(*) a, (*) b] → bool (logic)

Logical biconditional. Returns true if both a and b are truthy or falsey, false otherwise.


Print[TruthTrablePretty["Xnor", 2]] ?? A | B | Xnor[A, B] ?? ---+---+------------ ?? 0 | 0 | 1 ?? 0 | 1 | 0 ?? 1 | 0 | 0 ?? 1 | 1 | 1
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Xor[(*) a, (*) b] → bool (logic)

Logical exclusive disjunction. Returns true if exactly one of a and b are truthy, false otherwise.


Print[TruthTrablePretty["Xor", 2]] ?? A | B | Xor[A, B] ?? ---+---+----------- ?? 0 | 0 | 0 ?? 0 | 1 | 1 ?? 1 | 0 | 1 ?? 1 | 1 | 0
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((*) a) xor ((*) b) → bool (operator/logic)

Returns true if exactly one of a and b is truthy, false otherwise.

Zero[number n] → bool (numeric/logic)


Returns true if n is 0, otherwise false.