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Table of Contents

Function count: 46

Click on genres to show all functions in that genre.

(functional)Do, DoHelper, Generate, Left, MakeFunction, MapLeft, MapRight, Nilad, Once, Right, Thrice, Twice
(functional/string)OverChars, OverGrid
(IO)Echo, Output, Printf, ReadNumbers
(list)Behead, Betail, CellReplace, ChopInto, Mean, MinMax, Norm, Order, Pairs, Triples
(numeric)Divisors, Point, ProperDivisors, RawDivisors, ReIm
(numeric/bases)BaseBelow, BaseRange, BinBelow, BinRange, HexBelow, HexRange, OctBelow, OctRange
(string)HeatMap, S

BaseBelow[number base, number n] → [[number]] (numeric/bases)

Returns an array of base base digits less than base ^ n.

BaseRange[number base, number ...args] → [[number]] (numeric/bases)

Returns an array of base base digits of the numbers found in Range[...args]


Print => BaseRange[2, 0, 10] ?? [0, 0, 0, 1] ?? [0, 0, 1, 0] ?? [0, 0, 1, 1] ?? [0, 1, 0, 0] ?? [0, 1, 0, 1] ?? [0, 1, 1, 0] ?? [0, 1, 1, 1] ?? [1, 0, 0, 0] ?? [1, 0, 0, 1] ?? [1, 0, 1, 0]
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Behead[[(*)] list] → [(*)] (list)

Returns all but the first element of list.

Betail[[(*)] list] → [(*)] (list)

Returns all but the last element of list.

BinBelow[number n] → [[number]] (numeric/bases)

Returns an array of base 2 digits less than 2 ^ n.

BinRange[number ...args] → [[number]] (numeric/bases)

Returns an array of base 2 digits of the numbers found in Range[...args]

CellReplace[(*) cond, (*) with, [(*)] list] → [(*)] (list)


Replaces all cells in list matching cond with with.


mat1 := Identity[4] Display[CellReplace[0, 9, mat1]] ?? 1 9 9 9 ?? 9 1 9 9 ?? 9 9 1 9 ?? 9 9 9 1 mat2 := Integers[3, 3] Display[CellReplace[Odd, Square, mat2]] ?? 0 1 2 ?? 9 4 25 ?? 6 49 8 Print[CellReplace[Positive, `-, -4:4]] ?? [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4]
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ChopInto[[(*)] x, number n] → [[(*)]] (list)

Splits x into n groups.


Print[ChopInto[1:6, 3]] ?? [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
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Distance[[(*)] p1, [(*)] p2] → number (number)

Returns the distance between points p1 and p2 on the Euclidean plane.


Print[Distance[ [1, 2], [1, 4] ]] ?? 2.0 Print[Distance[ Point[0, 0], Point[5, 12] ]] ?? 13.0 Print[Distance[ -3-4i, 3+4i ]] ?? 10.0 Print[Distance[ [0, 0], [1, 1] ]] ?? 1.4142135623730951
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Divisors[number n] → [number] (numeric)

Returns all positive integers which divide n.

Do[fn f, n= nil] → [(*)] (functional)

Calls f n times with no arguments, collecting the results into an array.

DoHelper[fn f, number n, [(*)] c= []] → [(*)] (functional)

Iterative implementation of Do.

Echo[(*) ...args] → [(*)] (IO)

Print, but without a trailing newline.

Generate[(*) ...args, cond fn] → (*) (functional)

Synonym for GenerateFirst[N, ...args].

HeatMap[[[number]] mat, [(*)] legend?, number min?, number max?] → string (string)

Returns a string of characters which represent the "weight" of certain elements.


Print[HeatMap[1:5]] ?? -\[G@ Print[HeatMap[1:5:5]] ?? -\[G@ ?? \[G@ ?? [G@ ?? G@ ?? @ Print[HeatMap[1:5:5, UTF8_LEGEND]] ?? ░░▒▒▓ ?? ░▒▒▓ ?? ▒▒▓ ?? ▒▓ ?? ▓ Print[HeatMap[1:5:5, "01"]] ?? 00001 ?? 0001 ?? 001 ?? 01 ?? 1 Print[HeatMap[PascalTriangle[10]]] ?? - ?? -- ?? --- ?? ---- ?? -...- ?? -.__.- ?? -.:,:.- ?? -`,cc,`- ?? -`;T*T;`- ?? -`cl[[lc`- ?? -_r)U@U)r_- Print[HeatMap[PascalTriangle[7] % 2, " ."]] ?? . ?? .. ?? . . ?? .... ?? . . ?? .. .. ?? . . . . ?? ........
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HexBelow[number n] → [[number]] (numeric/bases)

Returns an array of base 16 digits less than 16 ^ n.

HexRange[number ...args] → [[number]] (numeric/bases)

Returns an array of base 16 digits of the numbers found in Range[...args]

Left[(*) ...args] → (*) (functional)

Returns the leftmost argument given.


Print[Left[1, 2, 3, 4]] ?? 1
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MakeFunction[(*) x, fn bonder?] → fn (functional)

Returns x if it is a function, otherwise returns a constant function returning x.


fn bonder? - If specified, returns a function with x as its left argument instead of a constant function.

MapLeft[fn f] → fn (functional)

Returns a function with arguments l and r which calls f[e, r] for each element e in l.

MapRight[fn f] → fn (functional)

Returns a function with arguments l and r which calls f[l, e] for each element e in r.

Mean[[number] list] → number (list)

Alias for Average.

MinMax[[(*)] list] → [(*), (*)] (list)

Returns the minimum and the maximum of list in a 2-element array.


list := [1, 9, 3, -5, 0, 0, 12] Print[MinMax[list]] ?? [-5, 12]
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Nilad[fn f] → fn (functional)

Returns a function which calls f with no arguments.


print3 := Nilad[Print&3] print3[] ?? 3 print3["Hello!"] ?? 3
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Norm[[(*)] x] → number (list)

Returns the norm of x.


Print[Norm[3'4]] ?? 5.0 Print[Norm[-2+1i]] ?? 2.23606797749979
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OctBelow[number n] → [[number]] (numeric/bases)

Returns an array of base 8 digits less than 8 ^ n.

OctRange[number ...args] → [[number]] (numeric/bases)

Returns an array of base 8 digits of the numbers found in Range[...args]

Once[fn f] → (*) (functional)

Calls f once with no arguments.


Once[Print<~3, 4~>] ?? 3 4 Print[Once[V]] ?? []
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Order[[(*)] x] → number (list)

Returns the dimensionality of x.


Print[Order[10]] ?? 0 Print[Order["Hello! :D"]] ?? 0 Print[Order[1:5]] ?? 1 Print[Order[Identity[3]]] ?? 2 Print[Order[ [[[[[9]]]]] ]] ?? 2 (broken, since Dim is currently broken)
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Output[(*) ...args] → [(*)] (IO)

Prints each element in args, separated by newlines, with no trailing newline. Returns args.

OverChars[fn f] → fn (functional/string)

Returns a function which applies f to the charcters in a string. This returns a string.

OverGrid[fn f] → fn (functional/string)

Returns a function which applies f to the grid of charcters in a string. This returns a string.

PadMatrix[[[(*)]] ragged, (*) padwith?, fn padf?] → [[(*)]] (list/matrix)

Makes ragged a rectangular matrix, padding to the right with padwith.


Display[PadMatrix[1:5:5]] ?? 1 2 3 4 5 ?? 2 3 4 5 0 ?? 3 4 5 0 0 ?? 4 5 0 0 0 ?? 5 0 0 0 0 Display[PadMatrix[1:5:5, 9, PadLeft]] ?? 1 2 3 4 5 ?? 9 2 3 4 5 ?? 9 9 3 4 5 ?? 9 9 9 4 5 ?? 9 9 9 9 5
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Pairs[[(*)] list] → [(*)] (list)

Returns all overlapping slices of size 2 in list.


Print[Pairs[1:5]] ?? [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]]
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Point[number x, number y] → Point (numeric)

Point class.


origin := Point[0, 0] Print[origin] ?? (0, 0) pythag := Point[3, 4] Print[pythag] ?? (3, 4)
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PrimePi[number n] → number (numeric/prime)

Returns the number of prime numbers less than or equal to n.


Print[PrimePi[0:10]] ?? [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]
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Printf[(*) ...args] → [string] (IO)

Calls Format[...args], which is passed then to Print.

ProperDivisors[number n] → [number] (numeric)

Returns all divisors of n, except n.

RawDivisors[number n] → [number] (numeric)

Returns all positive integers which divide n which are also less than or equal to Sqrt[n].

ReadNumbers[] → [number] (IO)

Reads a line of STDIN and converts each entry to a number, space-separated.

ReIm[(*) n] → [number] (numeric)

Returns the real and imaginary portions of n.

S[(*) e] → string (string)

Alias for String.

Thrice[fn f] → [(*)] (functional)

Calls f three times with no arguments, collecting results into an array.


Print["Answer:", Sum <| Thrice[ReadInt]] ?? 12 ?? 3 ?? -4 ?? Answer: 11
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Triples[[(*)] list] → [(*)] (list)

Returns all overlapping slices of size 3 in list.


Print[Triples[1:5]] ?? [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]]
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Twice[fn f] → [(*)] (functional)

Calls f twice with no arguments, collecting results into an array.


Print[Twice[Prompt<~"> "~>]] ?? > hello ?? > world ?? ["hello", "world"]
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