Programming in Attache

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What is Attache?

Attache can be summarized in three particular canons:

  1. Favor syntactic brevity over verbosity
  2. Prefer functional to declarative programming
  3. Minimize boilerplates

In particular, each canon aims to fix problems apparent in other languages:

  1. Languages like Python and C++ tend to be burdened by their awkward approaches to functional programming. Simple constructs like maps and lambdas are rendered unwieldly. Consider map(lambda x: x + 1, range(2, 5)) in Python, or some ugly use of std::transform in C++. Such languages tend to lack the necessary syntax for convenient functional programming.
  2. Functional programs tend to be closer to how we process information. This is no fault of declarative programming (D does declarative programming well, as far as intuition is concerned), but rather a strength of functional programming.
  3. Java. 'Nuff said.

So, how does Attache address these problems?

  1. Introduce more operators than the regular arithmetic ones, to include functional operators. Syntax that enables functional programming.
  2. Functions. Functions everywhere.
  3. It's not Java. Attache has no "main" function besides the immediate context.

What does Attache look like?

Let's look at a few common programs.

Hello, World!

Print["Hello, World!"]

The first thing to note is that Attache, similar to languages like Mathematica, uses square brackets [ and ] to call functions. In this example, we are calling the Print function, which does what you might expect. It's similar to JavaScript's console.log and Python 3's print function.

The next thing to note is that strings are written with double quotes ". They cannot be written with single quotes ', as that symbol is actually an operator. Attache has a plethora of operators, and most symbols are, in fact, operators.

First n prime numbers

n := ReadInt[]

Here we see how variables are defined: with :=. In Attache, what most languages use for variable definition, the equals sign =, is used to represent an equality check, which is usually represented by == in other languages.

ReadInt does what you might expect. It reads an integer from STDIN.

Then, we use the familiar Print function to display the result of calling the Primes function on n. You may have guessed by the title of this subsection that Primes[n] returns the first n prime numbers. Well, you'd be right.

That python example from earlier

By that, I mean "mapping increment over the range from 2 to 4"

Succ => 2:4
?? or
{ _ + 1 } => 2:4

I'm introducing a couple of things with this example. First, note that the two examples produce the same result: [3, 4, 5]. But, before I begin, note that ?? ... is a single line comment, and may be placed anywhere on a line.

First, note the use of :. This is Attache's range operator. a:b produces an inclusive range between a and b. 2:4 evaluates to [2, 3, 4]. The => operator is Attache's map operator. f => k maps the function f over each element in the list k. Succ is short for "successor" and represents the natural successor of its argument. For integers, Succ[x] is the same as saying x + 1.

Pulling it together, Succ => 2:4 maps the Succ function over each element in the list [2, 3, 4], giving us [Succ[2], Succ[3], Succ[4]] which evaluates to [3, 4, 5].

Now, as for the second part of this example, I've introduced a lambda { _ + 1 }. All basic lambdas are defined by these brackets { ... }. Here, _ refers to the first parameter passed to the lambda. This lambda simply adds 1 to its first parameter and returns that result. It could also be written as { _1 + 1 }, being explicit that we want to add 1 to the first parameter. Consequently, we can also have { _2 + 1 }, which adds 1 to the second parameter. These underscore variables are called blanks, and usually refer to various kinds of input in Attache.

Custom Fizzbuzz

range := 1:100
?? modify below to customize the output
?? format: `multiple -> text`
map := Tr! List[<~
    3 -> "Fizz",
    5 -> "Buzz",
    7 -> "?!"

range | { Join[Mask[map[0] | _, map[1]]] or _ } | Print

Bear with me, this example is a bit more complicated. I'll outline what we're doing on a higher level first, then we'll dive into the minutia.

First, we defined a variable range which is the range of numbers from 1 to 100. Next, we defined a correspondence between numbers and strings. Multiples of 3, e.g., correspond to "Fizz". Last, we apply this correspondence to each element in range and print it out.

See? Not so bad. Now for the nitty-gritty.

<~ ... ~> defines a hash; a key-value pair is denoted by key -> value.

Then, we convert this hash to a list using the List function. This gives us a list of key-value pairs stored in lists [key, value].

Last, we transpose this list of lists, giving us a list of two lists, the first being a list of keys, and the second being a list of values. This value is stored in the variable map. In this case, we obtain the list [[3, 5, 7], ["Fizz", "Buzz", "?!"]].

[to be continued]